Holy Unmercenaries (mirror)

50,00 70,00 

apothema Άμεσα Διαθέσιμοparadosi Παράδοση 1 έως 3 ημέρες

Orthodox Icon Holy Unmercenaries mirror effect in natural rombolo pine wood. This Icon is handcrafted on canvas by a craftsman and embossed according to the style and tradition of Byzantine art.

Saints Cosmas and Damianos of Anargyri, who celebrate on November 1, were brothers and came from Asia. But there are two other pairs of Anargyri saints with the same names. The former were martyred in Rome [murdered by their teacher in Medicine] and commemorated on July 1st and the latter came from Arabia and commemorated on October 17th. They were all doctors. They are called Anargyri because they did not love silver, they were not avaricious, their hearts were not attached to material goods and they offered their medical services uncharitably.

Additional information
Weight 0,7 kg




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