Handmade Orthodox Icon Saint Porphyrios
Saint Porphyrios 15,00 200,00 
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Handmade Orthodox Icon Holy Family mirror effect
Holy Family (mirror) 50,00 70,00 

The annunciation of Theotokos (mirror)

50,00 70,00 

apothema Άμεσα Διαθέσιμοparadosi Παράδοση 1 έως 3 ημέρες

Handmade Orthodox Icon Annunciation of Τheotokos Mirror effect with in natural rombolo pine wood. This icon is crafted on canvas and is crafted by a craftsman by hand gilding according to the style, tradition and criteria required by Byzantine art.

The appearance of the archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God, and the announcement of the joyous event to Mary are presented with reverence and emotion in the Icon of the Annunciation of the Virgin. With the phrase “behold the handmaid of the Lord, give birth to me according to your word” the Virgin consented wholeheartedly and unreservedly.

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Additional information
Weight 0,7 kg




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